YUKI ITO has won a Good Design Award 2023

04 Okt 2023
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(2 Stimmen)

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Ceo Fondatore di Megabass ha stabilito lo standard per il design e dell'innovazione delle esche in Giappone.
Yuki Ito ha vinto oltre 200 Good Design Awards dal Japan Institute of Design Promotion (ex Ministero del commercio internazionale e dell'industria), uno dei premi più prestigiosi del settore.

□ Good Design Award: oltre 20 anni di storia pluripremiata con più di 200 prodotti premiati.

□ Tra i tre premi di design più prestigiosi al mondo, selezionati ogni anno in Europa:
iF Design Award: vincitore per quattro anni consecutivi (2018, 2019, 2020 e 2021) e Red Dot Design Award: 2022, per la Destroyer P5 e la Cookai, le prime canne da pesca al mondo a vincere questo premio, esposte al Red Dot Design Museum nello storico sito Zollverein ad Essen.



Founder of Megabass, which set the standard for lure design and innovation in Japan.
A worldwide angling personality and renowned product designer, Yuki Ito has won over 200 Good Design Awards from the Japan Institute of Design Promotion (formerly the Ministry of International Trade and Industry), one of the most prestigious awards in the industry.

□ Good Design Award: Over 20 years of award-winning history, with more than 200 award-winning products.

□ Among the three most prestigious design awards in the world, selected annually in Europe:
iF Design Award: Winner for four consecutive years (2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021)
Red Dot Design Award: 2022, for the Destroyer P5 and Cookai, which were the first fishing rods in the world to win this award. They were exhibited at the Red Dot Design Museum in the historic Zollverein heritage site in Essen.

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